I was so excited about the bear block that I made my first quilt top with the Quiltmaker blocks (okay, just one block but that's a start.) I'll quilt it when I need the next baby quilt so I can add baby-to-be's name and date of birth before quilting it.
Friday was my craft guild meeting that meets at work after hours. I usually cut fabrics there so I cut out units for patience corner blocks. Since a lot of the fabrics were directional, I decided to use Anita Grossman Solomon's method she calls No Patience to cut the fabrics. I plan to make 20 blocks and here are 12 of them. I'll rearrange these when all the blocks are sewn. If you want to see the technique, refer to the book "Rotary Cutting Revolution - New One-Step Cutting". The arrowhead block technique that's being high lighted on many blogs is included in this book as well as in Quiltmaker's November/December magazine issue. The book has an additional 6 quilts with the cutting for the pineapple and miter log cabin quilts being my favorites. Before you ask, "No, I don't plan to make another pineapple quilt" at least not any time soon. :o) I don't think my daughter reads my blog as I'm too boring so I'll let you know that this is her Christmas gift. It will be made to fit a full bed so I made the "super-sized" blocks. It will still need borders to get it up to size. What was so funny today is that my daughter came by today and took about six quilts to add to her decorating theme. She already had about five or so from previous years that were never returned. She tried taking my snowman collector bed quilt that we use on our bed. I had to stop her at that point. She'll appreciate having her own holiday quilt.
I started decorating for Christmas on Sunday. I have a few more wall hangings to put up and then the tree. I love decorating for Christmas but it sure takes a lot of time. When a movie I wanted to watch came on television, I grabbed my 2.5" strings that were left over from making bindings (three shoe boxes). I separated the long pieces from the small pieces and randomly cut them for a future project. I keep working and sewed about 90 16" strips into pairs. That was a good task while watching television.
To view more design walls, visit Patchwork Times.
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To view more design walls, visit Patchwork Times.
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I love that you squeeze so much quilting into your day! The baby quilt is so adorable!!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it great that our kiddos love our quilts so much!
That is the cutest baby quilt. What a great way to use that square, and the fabrics. Those blocks are on my to do list for today.
ReplyDeleteI love your daughter's Christmas quilt. My problem with quilt takers is not my children but my hubby. He doesn't want any quilt to leave the house. My children just ask is that one mine and when I say "Children get quilts after all grandchildren have quilts." they grumble and leave studio.
ReplyDeleteAll cute blocks :) I agree it takes a long time to decorate but it just fills the house with such holiday spirit. We have the outside lights up but the inside always has to wait for the semester to end LOL
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the bear block, how cute.
ReplyDeleteI love the baby quilt with the bear....just too darling :)
ReplyDeleteThe bear is just too cute. It is going to be dangerous making the blocks because you will want too many of them to turn into entire quilts. Imagine making 200 quilts!