I finished 6 projects this month.
Tea in MO
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Trip Around the Scrap Basket Class
Click on each photo for a larger view...
I'm sharing photos of quilts in progress of retreat class I taught. I gave the option of making a crib or twin size quilt. Some used the crib block size to make a larger quilt and will thus make more blocks than required.
This collage shows some of the layouts we discussed during class. These blocks finish at 6" instead of 3.75" finished like in my class sample for the crib size quilt. It was fun to figure out new settings. I didn't get pictures of everything that was on the design wall, but the purpose is to play with your blocks until you get something you like. My second quilt will be made with the center layout in bottom row.
I love seeing class projects as it just proves that the fabrics will determine the final outcome of the quilts. Hope you enjoy the show.
Tea in MO
I'm sharing photos of quilts in progress of retreat class I taught. I gave the option of making a crib or twin size quilt. Some used the crib block size to make a larger quilt and will thus make more blocks than required.
This collage shows some of the layouts we discussed during class. These blocks finish at 6" instead of 3.75" finished like in my class sample for the crib size quilt. It was fun to figure out new settings. I didn't get pictures of everything that was on the design wall, but the purpose is to play with your blocks until you get something you like. My second quilt will be made with the center layout in bottom row.
This collage shows the first group of quilts in progress. Barb's was made in pastels for a baby-girl-to-be. Kathy used oriental prints. Elsie used batiks like I did but the coloring looks completely different. Laura used fabrics that appear to be fall related. Cynthia used reproduction fabrics that have a patriotic look. Jennifer used fabrics from her mom's Hawaiian clothing and she used the setting I'm using in above photo to showcase the fabrics. Karen and Lenore used various scraps. Connie used various scraps but put a medium fabric in one of the light positions. We had to get creative to come up with her layout. I may have to make that "mistake" in a quilt for me as it turned out gorgeous. Debby has a relaxing weekend walking the complex and she's holding up her blocks.
On the final collage, we have Kathleen who used both sides of batik fabrics. One of the sides have gold stripping and the other side is plain - made a wonder watercolor effect and she plans to make the quilt larger using the smaller blocks. Kathy has a quilt that look fall too. Sue use various scraps. Lee Etta had too much fun this weekend and is holding her blocks in her hand. Judy decided to make "another" quilt with her blocks by accident but it should be pretty too. Norma used a lot of southwestern and cowboy prints. Vickie used various jungle theme prints and the effect was awesome. Jane used cool color batiks for her quilt and is make a king size quilt with the 3.75" blocks.
I love seeing class projects as it just proves that the fabrics will determine the final outcome of the quilts. Hope you enjoy the show.
Tea in MO
Monday, February 22, 2010
Design Wall Monday

Also, I made a self-portrait in a guild challenge that was held Thursday. If you missed the post I uploaded Friday check it out here. I uploaded all the entries.

I worked on this little star quilt. It's part of a pattern I teach and am expanding the pattern. I still need to add borders. Most of the retreat participants thought I'd lost my mind.
I pieced some more Double Hour Glass blocks at the retreat as well. I still need 12 or 14 more blocks.

And as I was working, I made one Mountain Top block. I'm using left over binding triangles sewed to muslin. The HSTs are squared to 1" finished size. With this reveal the group decided that I'm definitely crazy.
I had a very productive week even though I had to prep and teach at the retreat. After I get more sleep today, I'll be back to see what the rest of you did. To see more design walls, go here.
Tea in MO
2010 Finishes,
design wall monday,
Exploding Star,
quilt retreat,
Thursday, February 18, 2010
FVQG Self-Portrait Challenge ...
Here is my self portrait that I made for a challenge for my guild. The quilts were due tonight. I did not win a prize, but I had so much fun making my quilt. This was my first portrait quilt and I had no clue how to even start. I just jump right in and this is what I came up with.
If you like, you can view all the entries. I have added the maker's name; in addition I've indicated which quilts won prizes. OOps. I forgot to type that the 5th photo in last row is Tied for 1st place.
Tea in MO
Monday, February 15, 2010
Design Wall Monday
Needless to say, my trip to Atlanta was canceled due to the 3-4 inches of snow they received Friday...which was during the time I was scheduled to land at the airport. I wouldn't dare put my friends through the trouble of picking me up. My girlfriend said that an hour commute turned into a 4-hour commute. Glad I was home. We got snow too, but we're used to it.
I'm showing part of what I worked on this past week. Two family quilts in progress. The rail fence blocks will be set on point and that is for my brother. The double hour glass blocks are for my friends in Atlanta. I still have a few blocks to make for both of them.
What I worked on that's not shown here are: (1) I have binding sewed to the front of crazy about hearts and stars and have 1.5 sides to hand sew down on the back; (2) I finished the "craps" quilt top for my brother - need to be quilted; (3) I made a portrait quilt for a guild challenge - I can't show the picture now but will try to get a picture up Friday morning after the challenge - they will know it's mine...trust me.
Goals for this week:
(1) enjoy retreat this weekend
(2) work on blocks for class I'm teaching at retreat this weekend
(3) finish binding on Crazy About Hearts and Stars
(4) continue working on 2 quilt tops in photo
Enjoy your week everyone. To see more design walls, go see Judy.
Type-u-later,Tea in MO
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
American Chopper
Two or three years ago my cousin asked me to make her a motorcycle quilt. I definitely did not want to make one using the applique method. I found this American Chopper fabric from local fabric store and purchased it instead. At the time I didn't know that American Chopper was a reality show on cable. I did watch parts of two episodes for information purposes only. Anyway, I forgot to add this to Design Wall Monday post yesterday. I basically pieced the chekerboard border, adding spacer borders for them to fit the corner blocks cut from another fabric from the line. Added the final border and called it done. It still needs to be quilted.
Tea in MO
Tea in MO
Monday, February 8, 2010
Design Wall Monday
I had three meetings last week and wasn't 'home' to sew much. Did I tell you I'm a member of not one, but two long arm quilters' groups. I joined them because:
1. I can apply some of the techniques when quilting on my domestic machine.
2. They (professional members) give discounts on thread and other quilting supplies.
and 3. I have 2 friends that allow me to use their long arm machines sometimes.
So, after one of the meetings on Saturday, one friend told me I could use her machine yesterday. So, that rearranged my goals for this week. As planned, I got the 4-patch quilt blocks sewn into a top see photo below) using an amaging technique piecing squares horizontally then cutting them to put them on point. (I have pattern somewhere that is currently hiding at the moment.) I had so much fun I started another 4-patch quilt in greens, browns, blacks, and tans. This one is for my brother and from experience, I decided to cut the squares larger rather than add 3 borders to get it to twin size. Then, for the "Colors of America" top I made the back and squared it up since I was able to quilt it on the long arm machine. I used that pesky batting I mentioned here in the Musical Bricks quilt. It works beautifully on the long arm machine! In addition, I quilted the "Crazy About Hearts and Stars" top. On this one I had a few eyelashes on the back. I decided to fix that on my home machine instead of using my long arm quilting time ripping.
I don't know what I want to do this week as I have a trip planned (if that occurs as it's looking a little shaky at the moment.) Depending upon the status of my trip, I'll set tentative goals this week to:
1. Make tote bag
2. Fix eyelashes on Hearts/Stars
3. Piece 4-patches quilt top
4. Bind Colors of America quilt.
Want to see more design walls? Go to Patchwork Times. Enjoy!
Tea in MO
1. I can apply some of the techniques when quilting on my domestic machine.
2. They (professional members) give discounts on thread and other quilting supplies.
and 3. I have 2 friends that allow me to use their long arm machines sometimes.
So, after one of the meetings on Saturday, one friend told me I could use her machine yesterday. So, that rearranged my goals for this week. As planned, I got the 4-patch quilt blocks sewn into a top see photo below) using an amaging technique piecing squares horizontally then cutting them to put them on point. (I have pattern somewhere that is currently hiding at the moment.) I had so much fun I started another 4-patch quilt in greens, browns, blacks, and tans. This one is for my brother and from experience, I decided to cut the squares larger rather than add 3 borders to get it to twin size. Then, for the "Colors of America" top I made the back and squared it up since I was able to quilt it on the long arm machine. I used that pesky batting I mentioned here in the Musical Bricks quilt. It works beautifully on the long arm machine! In addition, I quilted the "Crazy About Hearts and Stars" top. On this one I had a few eyelashes on the back. I decided to fix that on my home machine instead of using my long arm quilting time ripping.
Click photos to make them larger...
Even though I didn't make the tote bag last week, I'm excited that I got two quilts quilted in one day as opposed to a couple of weeks.I don't know what I want to do this week as I have a trip planned (if that occurs as it's looking a little shaky at the moment.) Depending upon the status of my trip, I'll set tentative goals this week to:
1. Make tote bag
2. Fix eyelashes on Hearts/Stars
3. Piece 4-patches quilt top
4. Bind Colors of America quilt.
Want to see more design walls? Go to Patchwork Times. Enjoy!
Tea in MO
Monday, February 1, 2010
Design Wall Monday
I finished my goal list with the exception of cleaning my studio. However, I did clean the living room, kitchen and even the bathroom. I just think "cleaning" and "studio" should not be in the same sentence.
Right after posting last week's Design Wall Monday, I went home and cut the blocks you see from a stripe fabric. I've been wanting to try this since May of last year. The fabric had been sitting in a chair since then. I started off the week ignoring my goals list. I then regrouped and made myself finish the Playing Basketball quilt (see previous posts) before I could sew any blocks. That done, I pin basted the Love is... quilt and it will get quilted hopefully by the end of the month.
Then I made the 3rd Saturday Sampler block (the last one on the bottom row.) The shop has an optional setting block but I didn't want that as at least 100 people participate in this BOM. I didn't want a quilt like everyone else in the group. So, I pulled out Judy L.'s book, Nine Patch Extravaganza, I purchased last year and used a setting she had for 12" blocks. I love the secondary design I got quite by accident as I did not plan it in EQ.
After the BOM I went back to the stripe blocks and sewed then into a quilt top. It now need borders. The extra blocks will be used on the back or maybe made into a charity quilt. I have time to decide on that so I'm leaving it alone for now.
When Saturday came, I still needed to determine and piece borders for the Crazy About Hearts and Stars top. Well, the plan took longer to execute than I thought. It took all day Saturday and Sunday to get this thing just right (okay I have a few things that should be changed but I'm DONE.) The quilt is 92x96 so I folded it to get a picture so you have an idea of the 3 borders I added to this quilt. Hopefully I can use a friends longarm to quilt it as it's way too big for me to accomplish on my DSM.
The 4-patches were something that I chain sewed while working on the other projects. I'm planning to use that technique where you cut a straight set top in strategic places, turn them and sew them back together. The resulting top will be on point when done. This experiment will be for a cousin in the military (hence the colors) who like "plain" quilts without a lot of fuss.
To see what others have on their design walls go here.
Goals for this week:
Not too much this week as I'm going out of town next weekend (not this one) and a retreat the following week-end. In additon, I have 2 meetings this week so I'll not be at home much. I will probably get more done, just don't want to put it in writing as then I'll push myself to do more than I want. I think I want a quiet, relaxing week after piecing the borders on the patriotic quilt this past weekend.
1. I'm visiting my friends in Atlanta and must make a tote bag for their daughter.
2. Finish working on 4-patch blocks quilt top.
Tea in MO
Right after posting last week's Design Wall Monday, I went home and cut the blocks you see from a stripe fabric. I've been wanting to try this since May of last year. The fabric had been sitting in a chair since then. I started off the week ignoring my goals list. I then regrouped and made myself finish the Playing Basketball quilt (see previous posts) before I could sew any blocks. That done, I pin basted the Love is... quilt and it will get quilted hopefully by the end of the month.
Then I made the 3rd Saturday Sampler block (the last one on the bottom row.) The shop has an optional setting block but I didn't want that as at least 100 people participate in this BOM. I didn't want a quilt like everyone else in the group. So, I pulled out Judy L.'s book, Nine Patch Extravaganza, I purchased last year and used a setting she had for 12" blocks. I love the secondary design I got quite by accident as I did not plan it in EQ.
After the BOM I went back to the stripe blocks and sewed then into a quilt top. It now need borders. The extra blocks will be used on the back or maybe made into a charity quilt. I have time to decide on that so I'm leaving it alone for now.
When Saturday came, I still needed to determine and piece borders for the Crazy About Hearts and Stars top. Well, the plan took longer to execute than I thought. It took all day Saturday and Sunday to get this thing just right (okay I have a few things that should be changed but I'm DONE.) The quilt is 92x96 so I folded it to get a picture so you have an idea of the 3 borders I added to this quilt. Hopefully I can use a friends longarm to quilt it as it's way too big for me to accomplish on my DSM.
The 4-patches were something that I chain sewed while working on the other projects. I'm planning to use that technique where you cut a straight set top in strategic places, turn them and sew them back together. The resulting top will be on point when done. This experiment will be for a cousin in the military (hence the colors) who like "plain" quilts without a lot of fuss.
To see what others have on their design walls go here.
Goals for this week:
Not too much this week as I'm going out of town next weekend (not this one) and a retreat the following week-end. In additon, I have 2 meetings this week so I'll not be at home much. I will probably get more done, just don't want to put it in writing as then I'll push myself to do more than I want. I think I want a quiet, relaxing week after piecing the borders on the patriotic quilt this past weekend.
1. I'm visiting my friends in Atlanta and must make a tote bag for their daughter.
2. Finish working on 4-patch blocks quilt top.
Tea in MO
design wall monday,
stripe designs
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