As I was browsing my blog, I realized that a lot of my finished projects have not been posted. I've made a list of quilts I need to photograph. Hopefully, I will start getting those up on the blog. When I'm caught up, maybe I can show you some of my works in progress.
In the meantime, look at some of the videos that I've uploaded since my last blog. Click on the links below to view the videos.
While you're there, subscribe to my YouTube Channel!
Longarm Quilting:
Practicing Feathers
Haul: Longarm Supplies
Bowling Fun Panto Review
Correcting Rolling Errors & Loading a Quilt That Already Has Binding
Rail Fence
Take 5 Christmas
Scraps Galore Challenge
Two Scrappy Quilt Border Ideas
Make Your Own Display Board
-------------------------- Type-u-later,

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