I stopped working on my major projects to make a few memory items. I used t-shirts to make most of the items.
20" pillow
Two-sided 20" pillow (side 1)
Two-sided 20" pillow (side 2)
14" pillow
The pillow cases were made for standard size pillows but I folded them to crop. The other side is a continuation of the main fabrics on the back. I used french seams so no raw edges on the main sewing lines. However, using t-shirts in pillowcases caused for me to piece them into the panel as centered as possible. These seams are raw edge as I didn't have enough fabric required to do french seaming.
Then, while I was making pillowcases, I decided to make four more representing our local baseball team, the St. Louis Cardinals. I know someone who is going to love getting a couple of these.
As I was working on the above projects, my YouTube subscription list showed video instructions on how to make a headband. I just had to try it with the scraps. Unfortunately, it's a child size so it can't go to whom I intended. However, some lucky child will be sporting our team. Click here to view the video.
-------------------------- Type-u-later,