I've been very busy. I attended a quilt show 2 weekends ago and then a shop hop this past weekend. I also took a trapunto class and made this
Trapunto Rose quilt which is 8.5" square. I like classes where you complete almost the entire project. I had to wait to add binding as I wet the quilt to get the blue marks off while in class.

I completed the
Magic Trip Around the World quilt. It's called "magic" because it's made with 9-patches instead of long strip sets.

On my last post I showed you the doggie bib. Here are some
Embroidery Blanks I added designs to. I gave this bundle to the baby-to-be. Don't know if the baby's a boy or girl as the lucky parents wants to be surprised!

I'm still organizing designs on my computer and came across some Easter things. I made this free standing lace
Chick Basket and Doily as it was just irresistible. It took a little bit of time but was well worth the effort. Then I saw some designs from my embroidery club that was assigned March 2008 and decided to give it a try. These baskets,
Bunnies and Eggs and
Bunny Basket, looks a little roughed up. I had a very difficult time sewing the sides on the sewing machine. I thought the Bunny Basket would be easier since it's larger but not so. I'll just use them to put odds and ends into in my sewing studio.
------------------------- Type-u-later, Tea in MO http://www.teaquilts.com