I was on the Tim Ezell Show on KTVI as a representative of my line dancing group's work with the Gateway Classic. We taught Tim how to do the Wobble Dance.
Here is my actual design wall with 2 of my 3 current projects.
And this is my other current project. I'm also preparing for our guild's quilt show the end of the month so the DJ quilt must get the dreaded scalloped border. It's been sitting for many, many months, almost a year with no work. The show is definitely my motivation. By the way, I hate scallop borders! Maybe because the quilt it so big for my first scalloped border project. Definitely because I don't really know if I'm doing it right. I'm using a combination of instructions provided from various sources. I wish I could have done the faced border but was afraid it would have been very difficult to line up the scallops directly around the triangles. I have almost 2 borders completed. I'll post a full photo when it's finished.
Here are the results from one workshop I gave; many different ways to make scrappy stars.
