I hope all you moms had a wonderful mother's day! I sure did. Spent the day with family, having a family meal and then I taught them a few line dances. I didn't want the day to end.
In case you're wondering where I am online - I'm not there much. My computer hard drive crashed and is in the shop for up to 30 days. Funny, if I hadn't purchased a service contract when I purchased the computer, I could have had my computer back in 3-4 days top. Because the hardware is bad, the machine gets shipped back to the manufacturer. I've decided I'm never purchasing another service contract again. I'll just spend the money to fix my equipment or purchase another one. The one positive is that I've been backing up my computer files since my last crash two years ago so this time I have my files. Just need my darn computer back...
Now, on the fun stuff! This week is my 26th week of making blocks so that means I need to have up to 52 blocks completed. I'm really excited that I was able to make the journey so far. I know some of you have gotten too busy to work on the blocks and I fully understand. Come back when you get time. I don't have time either, but since I started this "crazy" challenge, I feel compelled to complete it for as long as I'm able. So without further ado, here are my blocks for last week.
Block 50 Scarlet Days
#176 on page 59
Kimberly Jolly
Fat Quarter Shop
73 pieces
A fun block to make as you got to make half square triangles and flying geese. I wonder what this block would like like with scraps; just don't have time to play around at the moment.
Block 51 Rosie's Posie
#101 on page 22
B+Cara Bonner
Quilt Nook Gal Designs
mine=22 pieces
I delayed working on this block because I was waiting for my yo-yo makers magically resurface from their hiding place. I think I have them stored with a WIP, but which one is a mystery. However, I had these yo-yo made from old calico prints at least five years ago. I rearranged them, reducing the number needed since they were all the same size. I also omitted the rick rack bow and the hand embroidery. I just need to get the base blocks completed at this time.
Block 52 Merry Little Flower
#113 on page 28
by Kari Ramsay
Fresh Cut Quilts Pattern Co.
11 pieces
A very quick block to make, especially since I used fusible which is why it's reversed. Again, the yo-yo was already in the batch I used for the previous block.