2. Scrapbuster: Rail Fence
Here is a photo of my Gypsy Convergence (Gypsy's Wife) quilt that I quilted. I now need to find an appropriate binding fabric and then I can remove this from my list of things to do.
I'm involved in some home improvement projects as well but the weather keeps interrupting the schedule. We did hire a contractor to replace our front porch. While it's wonderful to have the porch updated, it calls for me to repaint the door step, door, and regrade the area around the steps with mulch and grass seeds. I'm finding that when you fix one thing, something else gets added to the list of to-dos. I've power washed the deck and back of the house and repainted the awning. Now I need to replace and seal some of the decking and complete power washing the rest of the house. All I can say, is that I'm never idle around here. I feel like I may have missed a completed project, but I will need to read through my blog to make sure.
-------------------------- Type-u-later,