I have been working on some aspect of this overhaul for the last two weeks. I'm tired and I'm getting a little cranky. It's a huge task to pack up all of your stash and then to refold it so that it looks pretty. I keep visioning how the final product will look and how organized I will be; that's what keeping me going. In the meantime, my entire house has been disrupted with the emptying out of my storage area. The items I removed are in the garage, kitchen, dining room, and bed room. Because we were painting yesterday and today, some of my rolling carts were put on my deck overnight. I will be bringing them in after I make this promised post.
This photo is of my main working area for sorting out items and refolding my fabric stash. So far, I have refolded seven moving boxes; I have seven more in the garage. On the middle shelf, I will store yellows, oranges, and pinks. The mini bolts are two stacks deep. The stacks on top were improperly stored and are waiting to be put in their new homes.
In the kitchen sink storage cabinet, I'm storing reds, blues, and greens. I added a shelf to make the stacks smaller so they'd be less likely to topple.This is the left side. The fabrics are two stacks deep on the bottom and one on top. I wanted to be able to get light from the room to enter and I didn't want to have the opportunity to bump my head on the shelf so I opted for a half shelf that we stabilized very well.
Left side of the kitchen sink storage cabinet.
I have also refolded my background and patriotic fabrics. The backgrounds are on the three shelves and the patriotic fabrics are in the red bin on top. (I've removed the extra mini bolt to be stored with my one-half yard or less patriotic fabrics because I didn't like it being crammed.) I also have some books on the right side of the shelving; I'm not sure if these will stay here or move elsewhere. I just sorted them to get them out of the way. All the other bins are empty, awaiting fabrics and tools/notions.
To the right is my office. I have added slots for sorting my "to-dos", bills, guild info, flyers, etc. Now when new mail comes in, I can not only put it away, but sort it too. I'm still working on this area as I plan to put a bulletin board on the wall. At the same time, I'm logging my quilt tops and their statuses (that's the pile on the floor.)
I'm using a curio to store all quilt tops, sorting by WIP. The top shelf holds tops ready to be quilted with backs already made; the 2nd shelf holds tops ready to be quilted but need backs made; the third shelf holds tops needing borders. In the bottom of the curio (not shown) I store quilts I'm quilting and those that have backs and batting. I added some more items today that's not in the photo...I will post final photos when I'm finished with the project. You can say, "I'm long arm machine ready!"
This is the storage room that has made the rest of my house unlivable. I painted it a neutral color as eventually I want to make this a sitting/TV room. The color is darker than the paint card so I'm not sure I like it, but I didn't have money to purchase another color. I'm adding a futon to this room that's neutral in color so hopefully it will look fine. I will have to temporarily store quilting stuff in here too as I don't have time to purge/sort/organize all the items. I will put back most of the items and deal with that part later as I have to have a livable home by the Christmas holidays. This photo is the facing wall as you enter.
Wall to the right of entrance
Entrance wall; the left wall is almost entirely a closet.
I plan to come back with final photos. I have too many things to do to get this in order, but I'm determined!
-------------------------- Type-u-later,