
Monday, April 18, 2016

Missouri State Quilters Guild Annual Meeting and Retreat

Quilters in the Midwest, consider becoming a member of the Missouri State Quilters Guild.  I've been a member for about five years or so.  I haven't been very active with this group but have attended  the annual Fall retreat twice and the annual Spring retreat this past weekend.

The guild's Fall retreat is held in Jefferson City.  It's time to acquaint yourselves with quilters from Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, and Illinois.  There maybe more participating states.  The first time I attended, I only knew a hand full of quilters, mainly the ones that work in the metropolitan St. Louis area.  I felt welcomed and left with many friends.  The retreat committee has meals provided by the hotel and has a community sewing room.  There is so much on the agenda, but basically classes are offered, challenges, friendship swaps, fat quarter drawings, vendors, main speaker, etc.  I have way too much fun and hate to leave when it is time.

The Spring retreat I attended this past weekend was a smaller event that was held in St. Charles.  This meeting moves around the state.  This gives members the opportunity to learn about Missouri cities, local quilt shops in the area, specialty restaurants, attractions, etc.  We still had classes scheduled but much more time was spent exploring the area and having the annual board meeting.  We had Ann Hazelwood as a guest speaker.  Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of the quilts she depicted.

If you ever wondered about this guild, I'd love to provide you with more information.

Here are a few of the show-n-tell pictures I took on my cell phone from way back in the room.  A lot of the photos are blurry and couldn't be uploaded.

I also took the English Paper Piecing class.  This was my results!  The most I've gotten made once, a long time ago, is one flower.  I'm sure I added it to some forgotten project.  Now, I have 4+ and plan to make something with it this time.  I have a service appointment for my car on Tuesday so maybe I'll get even more completed.

-------------------------- Type-u-later,


  1. Fun!!! I hear that EPP is addicting and it sounds like you caught the bug.

  2. Sounds fun! I'd love to know more about the MO State Quilters Guild. You can email me at ochterbeckj (at) gmail (dot) com. Thank you!


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