
Monday, April 4, 2016

Gypsy Wife Sections 8, 9, and 10 = Flimsy

 I finally finished the top!  It was an exciting and colorful journey that began on February 26, 2016.  I am so glad to have used over 70 orphan blocks.  I added borders to blocks or trimmed them down to fit each area.

 Section 8:  Used 5 orphan blocks.  This one was really easy to piece.  I just wish my two fabrics in the leftmost position contrasted better.

Section 9:  Used 4 orphan blocks.  By this time, I was running out of blocks that would fit the size requirement.  I had to add larger borders and/or sew HST units to form blocks. There is also some trickery with this unit where if you don't have the book, you may miss it.

Sections 8 and 9 sewn together.  I wish the pinwheel block was turned 180 degrees so the white was against the red.  I considered taking it apart but decided not to because I'd already taken it apart once before.

 Section 10 continued with the slight trickery created in section 9.  I really had to build up two blocks with wide borders on this one.  Used 11 blocks.

Sections 8-10 sewn together.
Flimsy.  All done!  I enjoyed this journey and may do it again some day with planned background strips instead of all of them being a different fabric, choosing many colors.  In total, I used 72 orphan blocks that would have otherwise continued their hibernation in my studio.  Also, I've named my quilt Gypsy Convergence.  It's so fitting with all the prints.

If you've completed a Gypsy Wife quilt, please leave a link in the comments section.
-------------------------- Type-u-later,


  1. I haven't made one yet but am intrigued by those I see. It has made my bucket list.

    1. Thanks for commenting. You will enjoy the process. I completed mine by section instead of making all the blocks and then piecing the sections.

  2. What a colorful and beautiful quilt. I could look at it for hours!!!


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