
Monday, March 14, 2016

Gypsy Wife Section 6


If I start that way, you know something is coming.  Section 6 was by far the hardest section to piece.  I love a challenge and that is exactly what this quilt is.  I pieced all the sections together that included a few partial seams.  No biggie, just work each "mini section" to get it done.  I did just that and got it done.

Then, I got my section 1-5 to add number 6.  "Oh no!!!!!" It is not lining up!  I felt something unpleasant wash through me.  I figured out that I missed adding a strip where the first time it is used is in this section.  If you look closely at the first and second photos, you can see the missing green strip on the right side of the bow tie block.  So.....I began taking the entire section apart.  I was hoping I could change some strips around and wouldn't have to take it all apart, but that wasn't happening.  Therefore, this section was already time consuming and then I had to take it apart and resew it together again.

In viewing the next photo and comparing it to the first, you see that the gold strip on the end is now red, as it should be.  I like the first version better, but this will just have to suffice.

Used 21 orphan blocks:   Here is sections 1-6 sewn together.

Here's to praying I pay better attention in section 7!

REMINDER:  I'm using orphan blocks in my version instead of piecing the required blocks recommended in the book.

-------------------------- Type-u-later,

1 comment:

  1. This is looking so cool, and what a great idea to use up your orphan blocks! I need to do this!


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