
Monday, April 7, 2014

Design Wall Monday

Here are some blocks I finished on Sunday.  I started this project the day after Thanksgiving while visiting my grandmother in Alabama; during that weekend I made seven blocks (stacked in the upper right corner).  I forgot about them when I got back home.  I took them out yesterday and finished  the remaining five.  I now have twelves blocks ready to be pieced into a quilt top.

To see more design walls, visit Patchwork Times.
-------------------------- Type-u-later,


  1. Tea, I love reading your blog and looking at the wonderful scrap quilts you make. I love, love, love the 6 blocks that you have with all the squares on your design wall. Can you share the pattern with us?
    Lizzy down under :-)

    1. Here is the pattern information: The pattern, charm shuffle, is in a booklet Big Blocks Big Style by GE Designs (Gudrun Erla)

  2. I too like this pattern. Very different than most quilts. I like that the colors are bright but not so bright they knock you over. Great job.

    1. Here is the pattern information: The pattern, charm shuffle, is in a booklet Big Blocks Big Style by GE Designs (Gudrun Erla)


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