
Monday, December 3, 2012

Design Wall Monday

I should be working on Christmas gifts, but instead I'm working on projects for the 2013 Scrap Quilting Club.  I apparently love to start new projects and then get the blocks pieced and sewn into rows then I'm done.  I have so many tops with borders waiting to be quilted and a lot more without the borders.  I guess I just need to spend about 2-3 months doing nothing but machine quilting. Ha! That will not happen any time soon so enjoy the suggested projects for next year. Also, I'll provide pattern source when I post club projects.

So, in my boredom, I worked on blocks for January's project.  For my SQC followers, I'll forward directions in the middle of the month so if you want to work on this one during the holidays, you can.  For now, I'm testing the block and deciding how many you need to make for a project.

I got so excited when I saw this pattern that I skipped February's project and went straight to March's project.  Laura is working on a similar quilt for her sister and when this one fell onto my computer screen, I thought we'd all love to do this one too in the SQC, especially since everyone loved Laura's.  It's pieced a little different, but the results are beautiful as well.

-------------------------- Type-u-later,


  1. I LOVE that basket weave pattern that you have showing there. Is there a pattern source for it? I would love to do that one.

  2. Both are full of scrappy goodness! There is no surprise to me as to why there are many more unquilted tops in the world since piecing is the best part!


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