
Monday, April 11, 2011

Design Wall Monday

I've been a tad busier than my design wall shows.  The problem is I had a lot of meetings this week and although two of them were sewing related, sewing outside my home actually slowed down my progress as we were having too much fun.  I also decided to become a line dance instructor this week, replacing someone who decided to go back to school.  So, I'm a little nervous about officially having everyone looking to me for inspiration though I have been assisting various instructors for a while.

Here is my design wall as it currently stands.  Piecing DWR quilt is time consuming.  These are the same pieces I had on the all last Monday but the arcs are now sewn.  I think two of the melons are pieces.  This will be a WIP.  I'm leaving it up on the wall until it's done otherwise the pieces may never come out of storage.

On the bottom of the wall are the Quiltmaker's 100 blocks 37-40.  I'm a little behind on them and hope to get caught up this week.

I sewed three borders to the Bloomin' Flowers quilt this week.  I'm sad now that I can't quilt it yet as I have three tops that I have to get done ASAP.  This has to be my favorite quilt I've made in a while.  I put of spring decorations today and so wished it was completed so I could display it.  Maybe if I worked on DWR quilt above I could hang it on the design wall to pretty up my room.  Geese, anybody want to work in my sweat shop?

I worked on partial borders on a couple of other quilts but will show them when they are completed.

To view more design walls, visit Patchwork Times.


  1. Bloomin' Flowers does look really bright and cheerful but so does your DWR!

  2. What fun this is! I love the profusion of colors. Great work! :)

  3. Well it looks like you got a lot done to me. Love the DWR, one of my favorite patterns but doubt I will ever make one.

  4. I love how your DWR is coming along, can't wait to see that one together. Bloomin Flowers is just amazing!!

  5. Love your version of Bloomin Flowers. J have made this quilt and loved doing it....a chance to use the embroidery machine and the sewing machine.

  6. Bloomin' Flowers is beautiful, maybe you'll get to it before spring is completely gone.

  7. Love the blooming flowers top! Don't you wish there were more hours in a day?!?

  8. The bloomin flowers quilt is so pretty. Display it now!! I know a friend who used a quilt without a binding for a while until it could be done, why not!! Lovely.

  9. Bloomin Flowers is wonderful. I can see why it is your favorite.

  10. OK, so everybody loves your Bloomin Flowers but surely not as much as I do. It is beautiful and so much to look at. .....Line dancing? You have got to be kidding! Sounds like lots of fun.

  11. You pack more in a week than I get in a month! Love your color choices. I'm with Gari ... Love youf Bloomin Flowers. I'm tired of my color choices -- ready for something bright and new!

  12. Your walls are so bright, I love them!

  13. Always fun to see what you having hanging on the are a busy lady.

  14. Love all your colourful things! Your flower quilt is gorgeous - all the more incentive to get working on your other tops!:)

  15. Obviously another week when you were slacking off! LOL. It must be fun to be surrounded by all that color.

  16. I love your Blooming Flowers quilt! It is so bright and fun. Great job.

  17. Line dancing and quilting ...... very interesting combo but I'm sure you can handle it!

  18. These quilts are so bright--they feel like cheerful songs.


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