
Monday, February 21, 2011

Design Wall Monday

I had a very productive week.  I started out making blocks 27 and 28 of the 100 blocks challenge from Quiltmaker's magazine.  I made separate post about them here.

Then I made modified a clock by adding a machine embroidered sewing related clock face and a doily for the person at retreat whom I was their secret quilter.  I forgot to take pictures so no photos of these two finishes.

Then when I got to retreat, I completed the Awesome Lap Quilt top with my modifications.  I even made the binding (no back yet as I didn't take the fabric to retreat.)  Also on my design wall is a few of the 114 3.5" unfinished 9-patches for a project the scrap quilting club is working on next month.  The final project on the design wall is the blocks I made at retreat for a scrappy trip around the world.

Here are all the blocks in the order they were sewn into rows.  I actually have the top center all pieced but forgot to take a final photo.  I also made binding for the cathedral stars quilt and flying geese for another project (again, no photos).
For more design walls, visit Patchwork Times

-------------------------- Type-u-later,


  1. Scrappy Trips is on my list of quilts I want to make. I LOVE yours!

  2. I love all your projects. I was just thinking of doing another scrappy trip quilt to clear out some of my 2 1/2" strips! You have been very busy!

  3. Holy cow, have you EVER been busy! All your projects look wonderful. My 100 block challenge squares are on my to do list today, providing I can tear myself away from all these design walls. LOL! Way too much eye candy to look at.

  4. You certainly have been busy! I love the scrappy trip. I have a scrappy bargello in my UFO pile.

  5. Whew, I am almost breathless from all of your work. But your wall is so colorful, it must keep you excited to keep working.

  6. If everyone gets that much done at a retreat, I need to go to one. You got an amazing amount done. I love the Scrappy Trips. Really pretty.

  7. You were busy! That scrappy one is beautiful!

  8. I always look for your name on the Monday list to see what you have been up to and boy! is it alot today!! I love the colors in your 9 patches and can't wait to see how you play with them.


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