
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Half Square Triangles Tutorial Part 7


Bias Strip Method

Cut two squares or rectangles.
Stack with both fabrics right sizes up.  Using the 45 degree line on the ruler, cut from bottom corner to top edge.

Using the chart below, cut the triangles into strips the required width (in this case 2.25”) starting along the widest diagonal.  You will have something like this.

Alternate the strips as shown in photo, making two grids.

Sew the units into two grids with ¼” seams along the long diagonal edges. Make sure you have two sides of the square even after sewing.

Beginning in the corner where two sides are even and using an acrylic ruler for cutting bias squares, align the diagonal line on the ruler along the sewn bias seam line. Cut the bias square out a little bit bigger than needed (in this case for 2.5” unfinished bias squares, cut 2-5/8”.)

Turn the HST around and square up to the finished size of triangle required. Continue in the same manner until you have cut as many HSTs as possible from the grids.  

Here are my finished HSTs from one grid.  Sometimes I'm able to cut smaller HST from the waste.  I'll use the "extra" HSTs in some future project.
1.  Make as many triangles as you need as you can enlarge the square or rectangle to accommodate requirements
2.  Great if you want a scrappy look to quilt.
3.  The pressing is done before the cutting so squares are not distorted during ironing.
4.  Very accurate as squares are cut after sewing and pressing.

1.  Some fabric waste.

Width of Bias Strips     Finished Square
1.5”                             1”
2”                                1.5”
2.25”                           2”
2.75”                           2.5”
3”                                3”
3.25”                           3.5”
3.75”                           4”
4”                                4.5”
4.5”                             5”
4.75”                           5.5”
5.25”                           6”

Hope you enjoyed the HSTs tutorials.
Tea in MO


  1. Tea, this is a great tutorial....I've just recently done this method and love how many HSs you can get from it. Wow, I needed to know this years ago.
    Great job!!!

  2. Thanks for the tutorial, Tea. I haven't used this method, and it looks great!

  3. GREAT tutorials! Thanks for doing them.


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