
Friday, March 19, 2010

Just String Series: A Big Star

I have received another quilt from the long arm quilter, Sarah.  It's part of my scrap quilt lecture and I just wanted to show it finished instead of as a top.  I have a few lectures coming up and quilts makes much more impact than just tops.  I just finished sewing the binding on it an hour ago.  Now, I'm waiting on 3 more quilts from 2 long arm quilters.  These girls are late getting them to me and I'm a little bummed about that as it's playing havoc with my schedule.  What can I do...
Tea in MO


  1. My word, you DO have a marvelous gift for color! This is waaaay gorgeous, and a perfect sample for the value of scraps! LOVE it!

  2. I love the changes in tone. Very striking.


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