
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Kirkwood, Missouri Quilt Program - Free Admission

Dear   Quit   Makers   &   Quilt  Lovers,
Kirkwood Public Library will be hosting a quilt program just for you on Thursday, June 14,   2012 at 1:30 p.m.   Our theme for our adult summer reading program  is  “Between the Covers”.  To illustrate this theme in a special way we have invited Teajuana  Mahone,    a local  quilt designer to delight us with her special quilts.   She will reveal  to us  the beauty, history and subtle meanings  in her  quilt creations.   For more information about Teajuana Mahone  go to her web site.

Kirkwood, Missouri   is a lovely small city in the heart of St. Louis County.  We have many shops and restaurants to peruse and enjoy for their ethnicity and variety.   Kirkwood is noted for our stately homes and tall trees.   Kirkwood  Public  Library has recently  received an architectural award for their new  renovations to their old building.

“Make a day in Kirkwood “   your   theme for your quilting group.  Bring your group into Kirkwood for a delightful   lunch and shopping.    Take a tour of our tree-lined streets, looking at our   gorgeous homes.  Finally  come over to Kirkwood Public Library, 140 East Jefferson , Kirkwood, Missouri  at  1:30 p.m. on Thursday,  June 14, 2012  for a wonderful  45-60 min. quilt program with “Teajuana “ .  Tea time refreshments will be served.
No sign up required.   However, if you are bringing a large group, please let us know by calling:  Kirkwood Public Library,   314-821-5770 ext. 1012; ask  for Adult Information Services.

Joan Deuschle
Reference Librarian

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sweet Sewfull Event - Missouri Quilt Retreat

A full calendar of fun classes, lectures, and projects will inspire you all weekend.

Big retreat weekend scheduled in July with the Sew Sweet Quilt Shop in Brunswick, Missouri. Six Missouri teachers will hold workshops and lectures. I'm on the teaching staff and would love to see some of your friendly faces in the crowd. For more information, follow this link:
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